Welcome to Seaside Skirmish

Monday, January 20, 2020 (Martin Luther King holiday)

Monterey Bay Academy
783 San Andreas Road
La Selva Beach, CA 95076

Offering Apologetics, Persuasive and Impromptu Speech events - two rounds
Team Policy Debate - four rounds

Cost is $15 for Team Policy debate per student, $5 per speech event

Coaches - Check the Lunch tab on the left for options to eat and add it when registering students. If you would also like a lunch, please pay when checking in after you arrive.

Always be prepared to to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect....1 Peter 3:15

It is our desire to educate our young people with these principles through the activity of speech and debate. We hope you enjoy visiting MBA and attending our tournament!

Coaches please enter your information in lieu of parent's information. If you do not know your students date of birth you may enter any date at least 2 years prior. The only information it will validate is the affiliate number. Affiliate numbers were already assigned to each of your students. Please reach out to the LFA office if you are missing any of your students number's. You will need to enter the password that was assigned to you, when you received your coach's affiliate number.